Expansion Electronic developed for you two simple softwares for the selection of:


You will no longer have doubts and you will immediately understand which product you need.

With CALCFE or CALCFEL SYSTEM, the software for selecting our electrostatic filters, you will be able to understand how many and which filters you need to cover your airflow in m3/h.

Furthermore, you can immediately see which accessories you need to install the filters, the total cost (filters+accessories) and technical data (such as efficiency, energy consumption, pressure drops...) of your selection!


With SELECTOR KITCHEN, the software for selecting our ECOKITCHEN/ECOLIGHT ecology units, you will be able to easily size the most suitable unit model for your customer's needs.

Simply select the type of cuisine (Mediterranean, Asian, Chinese...), select how many and which cooking systems are used in the kitchen (the software already gives you the options) and enter the dimensions of the hood in metres.

The software is able to provide you with the air volume to be treated in m3/h based on the surface of the hood and the cooking appliances.

Furthermore, it will also tell you when you will need the second pass of electrostatic filters (e.g. fast food).


Fill out the following form to request the software

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Contact center: +39 0424 592400
Fax: +39 0424 827061

Click on the logo, we are at your disposal!


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