Study Details:

  1. The utility and convenience in terms of Pressure drops, Efficiency of filtration on micro dust (PM1 , PM2,5 and PM10) and above all in terms of Energy Saving are mentioned 
  2. In the study, you can see the Eurovent mathematical algorithms which show that Energy consumption of our active electrostatic filters FE System of Expansion Electronic is 3 times lower than traditional mechanical filters 
  3. Filters of different technologies and brands were evaluated and only a small part guaranteed real energy saving
  4.  Only a few in fact are classifiable in class A, the class of our filters; the rest in class C, D, E
  5.  The document shows the convenience in the use of active electrostatic filters FE System of Expansion Electronic thanks to the better efficiency of filtration on micro and nanopowders, low and constant pressure drops and reduced maintenance costs  

To read the full study click here 

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